Teach Learn Succeed

Private Education

About Us...

Teach Learn Succeed was founded by Lianne Dawson, a Qualified Teacher of the Sciences with a decade of experience in mainstream classrooms. Frustrated by the inflexibility of traditional education systems, Lianne established Teach Learn Succeed to offer a personalised, student-centered learning experience. This approach combines the benefits of classroom education—such as knowledgeable, organised, and consistent teaching—with a focus on individual student needs and understanding.

At Teach Learn Succeed, we provide more than just a tuition service. Our qualified teachers are specialists in their subjects and bring extensive experience in supporting student well-being, building confidence, and employing inclusive assessment strategies to enhance academic performance. We deliver private education at a fraction of the cost of private schools.

Teach Learn Succeed are dedicated to making education accessible and addressing educational inequalities. Despite the high level of qualifications and meticulous lesson preparation our team provides, our fees remain competitive. According to Teachers to your Home (2024), the amount you can expect to pay for online tuition with a qualified teacher is between £30 to £100 per hour. However, we are proud to offer our services at rates below £40 per hour for GCSE and A-Level qualifications.

Since the orginal concept of Teach Learn Succeed, we have diversified our business, from a simple GCSE and A Level tutor model, to offering other types of support, for example, our undergraduate provision, including assignment proofreading and editing, and private dissertation supervision.

Feel free to contact us with any questions!

Exciting News!

Although Lianne has a wealth of experience in teaching on, and designing curricula for GCSE and A Level programmes, as a previous Access to Higher Education (HE) student, she has a deep passion for this qualification. In 2025, Teach Learn Succeed are diversifying further. We are becoming a provider for Access to HE! This means that a student will be able to sign up to complete their Access to Higher Education Diploma with us, and begin their journey of becoming a Nurse, Midwifery or other Allied Health Professional. We'd love to tell you more about this, but whilst we're still in the midst of application, we can't provide any further details, however, we are looking to begin welcoming our first Access to HE students from September!

Meet our Tutors

All our tutors are UK-based, qualified teachers with an active Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

  • How do I know what you are covering with my child?

    Being qualified teachers and parents ourselves, we understand how important it is to follow the progress of your child. Each child has their own progress sheet. This contains the following information:

    • The complete specification/s that your child is studying
    • An assessment grid
    • The pre-covid grade boundaries for your child's qualification

    The assessment grid tracks any assessments that your child completes with us. The grid is set up to calculate the average grade your child has achieved per unit. The grade boundary information will then help us to predict achievement in their examinations.

    Once we have covered a topic on the specification, the topic will turn green, letting you know that this has been completed. 

    This progress sheet is emailed to parents as a live document and can be accessed via the link any time.

    Of course, this document does not remove the need for communication, and so if you'd like a discussion about your child, don't hesitate to contact Lianne, either via mobile or email.

  • Do you teach home schooled students?

    Yes, and we love it! We offer the IGCSE curriculum. For students who have decided to withdraw from mainstream education, we understand that they may require an alternative approach to their learning. We focus on confidence building BEFORE target setting. For homeschooled students, where we are their only science education provider, we assign weekly homeworks and where appropriate, mark these homeworks for no extra cost.

  • How do I pay for the session?

    You'll be sent an invoice via email on the day of the student's lesson. You only pay for the lessons provided; if your child is sick or you are on holiday and you cannot make the session, there is no charge and no short notice cancellation fee. 

    We require no upfront payment.

    If you would prefer to pay upfront for a block of lessons, email lianne@teachlearnsucceed.co.uk and we can arrange for the invoice to be amended.

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